
Please note that the Water Pump will take approximately 3 months to complete.

You will receive the photo and e-certificate via email upon completion.

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The prophet’s companion,​Uthman radhiyALLAHu anhu once bought a water well in Madinah and waqaf it to the muslims, and the Prophet S.A.W praised him with ​the news of paradise to him.

You too can follow his example of a good investment.

Each water pump costs $440.
You can include up to 5 names of sponsors for each pump.

We are hoping to build one water pump for each home. Nothing has ever been more satisfying than to see smiles spreading on their faces, appreciating every of our tiny effort.

​​In Cambodia, we distribute to provinces and villages like Phnom Penh, Kampong Chnang, Pursat, Cham and others.
​In India, we distribute to provinces and villages like Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Pallipadai, Boodakeni, Kodipallam, Pullicat and many others.

Additional information


Cambodia Pump PP010, India Pump PP010, Rohingya Pump PP010, Cambodia Pump + Water Filter PP010, India Pump + Water Filter PP010